Safe Handling of Asbestos Waste

Safety course specifically designed around handling of asbestos waste.

Course Overview

This course provides candidates with the information required to ensure the safe handling of asbestos waste and safely clearing up and illegally dumped (fly-tipped) asbestos waste.

To safely set up site procedures or emergency procedures regarding the safe handling of asbestos waste. This will include any fly-tipped or unexpected asbestos waste.

To understand the suitable safety/protective equipment required and safe personal decontamination.

Who is this course for?

Suitable for anyone who is required to handle asbestos waste, deal with any emergency spillage of such waste or be involved is responsibly clearing up others illegally dumped waste materials.

Enquire about training

Get in touch to discuss our offering, get a customised quote or book a course.

If you require group training for your staff, we can host this course at a venue and date of your choice.

Send us a message

Course Availability

Live Course

Learn and interact live with accredited experts.
1 Day
£POA (excl. VAT)

Based on your Selected course

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